Horoscope for April Aquarius from Marfa. Work horoscope and financial well-being. Love horoscope and family life

And also to their loved ones, I wonder how April 2018 will turn out for representatives of this sign! Horoscope.Guru will tell you about everything that the horoscope for Aquarius for the month of April will bring.

Horoscope for Aquarius for the month of April – productivity and implementation

Aquarius will encounter quite unexpected and even sudden obstacles, overcome them and understand - and life is wonderful! There will be quite a few trips this month that will bring you immense joy. The intellectual, literary, and informational spheres will involve Aquarius as deeply as possible, and he will enjoy working - a lot and every day! And in the second half of the month he will actively take care of household chores.

Aquarius will try very hard to demonstrate his knowledge to everyone at once, so it is very important not to try to talk over a more competent interlocutor, playing solely on eloquence. it is worthwhile to be as specific as possible about the future and outline a clear plan of action. And try to watch your words - you will probably have something secret that a couple of randomly thrown phrases can easily reveal!

Horoscope for Aquarius for the month of April – it’s about the people

In April, Aquarius will awaken a remarkable craving for comfort. They will want to spend more time at home. At the same time, the task for the whole year for Aquarius is to find a person whom they will love more than themselves - if such a person has already appeared, they will need to spend maximum time with him, in confidential comfort. And if not, then new acquaintances of the highest degree of romance await Aquarius!

There may be fans with whom spending time will be easy and carefree. Aquarius will also be captivated by coquetry and flirting. He'll look like a fluttering moth! But he will enter deeply into this relationship only if they start giving him gifts - material confirmation of the seriousness of intentions generally easily wins over Aquarius. And in the family there is a time of compromise, you need to divide responsibilities into two, otherwise grievances will begin to accumulate.

There may also be not the most pleasant situations when each other’s secrets in a relationship are revealed. Even if you don’t like them very much, do not make hasty decisions during the period from the first to the fifteenth of April under any circumstances! Please check the information thoroughly. And problems with relatives can arise in the same way - try to fix them and solve them as soon as possible.

General horoscope for April 2018 Aquarius

If you need to “burn bridges,” burn them. After this you will immediately feel lighter. And after some time, you will be convinced that the situation was much more difficult for you than it seemed to you. And it was much more difficult to declare yourself than now, when you were finally free. Statements mean frank PR, more frequent contacts with the right people, and also participation in events that you previously either avoided, or did not have time to attend, or were not invited. Now try it. You have a lot to learn from those around you, especially those you don't like very much. This means that no one will tell you how to behave in a given situation. You will have to observe and learn for yourself. Blind copying is not encouraged, but the general concept will be useful. It is better for Aquarius to avoid controversial issues in April. The fact is that you will like the process of exchanging opinions itself, so it will drag on and lead to nothing at all. But you definitely won’t have to take advantage of your opponent’s capabilities.
Favorable days - 2, 8, 12, 17, 25, 28.
Unfavorable days - 4, 10, 13, 23, 26, 29.

Love horoscope for April 2018 Aquarius

Relationships in April for Aquarius will not be long or permanent. At least for now. Maybe over time your chosen one will reconsider his aspirations and style of behavior, and then something will change. But for now, it’s unlikely. You should not focus on your passion or easy attitude towards sex (this includes jokes “on the edge”) - this may, if not alienate the one you like, then keep them at a distance. But finding a common language with relatives in April will not be difficult for Aquarius. They are ready to meet you halfway, listen, and, most importantly, if they object, it’s really to the point. In addition, you will be able to rely on your loved ones, especially your brothers and sisters. Children this month will obey you, but for some reason ignore others. The reason may be that either only you are involved in them, or they understand that it is useless to argue with you. Therefore, even if you don’t have much time, you will have to take on the functions of a teacher.

Health horoscope for April 2018 Aquarius

In general, April will bring a general improvement in well-being, as well as confidence that everything is fine with you. This month is a good time to start exercising regularly, as well as to remove excess fats and carbohydrates from your diet. In April, Aquarians should be energetic, and nothing should “put them to sleep.” This month your vision will be a reference for you. Therefore, it is quite logical to check it and draw conclusions about what to do next. Additional examination will be required for the fundus, right now it will be clearly visible, and you can count on a correct diagnosis.

Career and financial horoscope for April 2018 Aquarius

According to the horoscope, in April 2018, Aquarius will take part in many unforgettable moments. And let no grandiose events happen to you, but ordinary everyday life will give you a lot of pleasant time and make you feel like a truly happy person.

It is better for Aquarius to spend the vacation planned for April 2018 in their native climate zone. The horoscope does not advise you to leave your home for a long time at this time. A wonderful place for an Aquarius can be his dacha, only if you do not forget that vacation is given for relaxation.

In mid-spring, for a gentle and friendly Aquarius, his beloved children can cause a lot of problems. Be stricter with them, it will benefit the younger generation. You must have great authority in their eyes. Remember - the best method of persuasion is your own example and reasonable arguments.

These symbols and talismans will bring you good luck in April:

Stone: Kyanite

Number: 7

Plant: Laurel

Color: Turquoise

Animal: Wolf

Name: Anatoly

Favorable days in April for Aquarius: 1, 5, 12, 17, 22, 26, 29, 30

Unlucky days in April for Aquarius: 4, 6, 10, 19, 23

Love horoscope for April 2018

In the spring, Aquarians will find themselves in love troubles, from which it will be extremely difficult to find a way out. It will all be due to your charm and unconventional nature. Most Aquarians will not want to resume communication with former acquaintances, but they will be able to again plunge into a volcano of strong passions and emotions that simply take their breath away.

Lonely Aquarius will spend this month relatively calmly, but this does not mean that endless melancholy will become their best friend. Exciting events will happen around them, but they will have little connection with love. Not getting what they want in reality, many of them will go to the virtual world. There they will make many friends. It is possible that someone’s attractive image will make your imagination draw beautiful pictures of a happy future together. Your virtual acquaintance on social networks can easily become real, and you will get your chance to become a happy person. Just in correspondence, do not exaggerate your capabilities and advantages, so that later you do not have to blush and bat your eyelashes.

Family Aquarius in April they will live in love and harmony. Most likely, you and your partner will be united by some common business or hobby, or maybe both. If you do not focus on your own supremacy, relationships in your family will resemble the honeymoon period.

Work horoscope and financial well-being

The Aquarius horoscope for April 2018 shows good luck in financial and career terms. The planets are protecting you, and you should take advantage of this. In the first ten days of the month, Aquarius may not be too stressed at work. Under the influence of Venus, he will be more successful in love. The rest of the time, representatives of this zodiac sign should be collected, attentive and focused. Under the influence of Saturn and Jupiter, you will get a huge chance for financial and career growth. It will be easier for you to carry out your official duties, and your relationship with management, colleagues and partners will be at its best.

Taking into account the position of retrograde planets, Aquarius can safely return to their past projects and resume useful relationships with former colleagues and good friends who have fallen out of sight.

The horoscope for April 2018 says that by the end of spring you will be able to save a significant amount of money. Naturally, this can happen if you refuse unnecessary spending. Take advantage of the right time to implement your business initiatives. Do not refuse lucrative offers, trips and negotiations.

In the third ten days of April, try to avoid unjustified and risky steps in the financial sector, otherwise the risk of unexpected losses increases. The horoscope says that from April 15 to 23 you have a chance to win the lottery. But it’s better to postpone the planned purchase of bitcoins for now.

Aquarius Health

According to the horoscope, in April Aquarius should feel good, his mood should be high, and his health should be normal. In the first half of the month you will experience mood swings, apathy, lack of sleep and some loss of energy. In most cases, all this negativity is associated with nerves, lack of vitamins and clear sunny days. All of the above can be easily fixed, and the sun will definitely appear from behind the clouds. So you are not in any particular danger to your body at this time.

And yet, astrologers recommend that Aquarians be extremely attentive and careful on city and country trips, as well as on various types of transport. During this period of time, the likelihood of road incidents increases. In addition, you must be very careful when working with various types of mechanisms, at highly complex objects and when using dangerous and toxic substances.

Horoscope for April 2018 for the zodiac sign Aquarius. In April 2018, Aquarians will face unexpected obstacles, but after overcoming them they will again realize that life is beautiful and amazing!

Work, career, business

April 2018 is an uneven month for Aquarius, and the stars warn you against unjustified risks. Entrepreneurs and bosses will face various problems in their business, and in one case it may be the unexpected appearance of inspection authorities, and in another it may be the resumption of old legal problems. Those who do business with colleagues from other cities or countries will also face difficulties. Fruitful activity will be interrupted by some unexpected circumstances, which you will not be able to influence at first.

In all respects, the most difficult time for Aquarius is the period from April 1 to April 15. An employee may encounter intrigues in the team, but his superiors will support him and the situation will gradually be resolved. All representatives of your sign, regardless of their type of activity, will have to deal with gossip, intrigue, incorrect or deliberately distorted information during the period from April 1 to April 15. There will be ill-wishers who will try to bring to light what it would be desirable to keep secret, so behave carefully and take care of your rear. The planets will calm down towards the end of the month, and along with this, ways to solve problems will be found.


Despite the abundance of professional troubles in April 2018, Aquarius will not have any difficulties with money. They will arrive in predictable quantities and there will be no surprises this month.

Love, family

Aquarians living a personal life will also face difficulties. Lovers can find themselves in an unpleasant situation when each other's secrets are suddenly revealed. Having recovered from the first shock, you will have to think about whether it is worth continuing the relationship? What to do, of course, is up to you, but the stars recommend not making hasty decisions during the period from April 1 to April 15. The right tactic would be to take a break and thoroughly check the information, since it may turn out to be unreliable or deliberately distorted. And even if she is at least somewhat truthful, be lenient; you yourself are probably not sinless. Many will have or renew problems with relatives, which may look different. So, in one case, relatives may get sick or go through hard times, and in another case, a serious quarrel is likely.

In April 2018, Aquarius will experience interesting meetings and new acquaintances. If you are single, a new relationship may be born based on similarities of thought and common intellectual interests.

Since the Sun, the ruler of your partner’s house of Aquarius, remains in your house of communications until April 20, 2018, communication will play a special role in the relationship. Conversations on various topics, exchange of opinions and ideas deepen the love connection, arouse desire and give an unforgettable experience.

The planet of love and harmony, Venus, is located in the family sector until April 24, 2018; its influence will have a positive impact on family relationships. Venus promises peace and tranquility in your home. This is a good time to receive guests and hold family celebrations.

If your relationship is in the formative phase, you can talk to your loved one about starting a family or decide to live together. Those who already have a significant other can discuss building a house, buying real estate, renovating or other things that will make life more comfortable and enjoyable.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for April 2018

Jupiter is a great benefactor of the Zodiac, located in the career sector, which predisposes to professional success and monetary luck in April 2018. This is one of those times of year when Jupiter's promises come true, bringing achievements that you can be proud of.

This month is characterized by the relationship between work and family or personal relationships. Relatives or a lover can help resolve work issues. If you have a family business, things will develop successfully.

In addition, the Sun and Mercury maximize your intellectual potential, help you work with information and bring amazing ideas. The time is favorable for study, interviews, negotiations, and travel.

Just remember that not everyone will be happy about your success, and some will try to get in your way. Be more attentive to your surroundings in order to notice ill-wishers in time and fight them back.

In terms of finances, the month is not bad. Neptune in the house of money in Aquarius forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in the house of career, so there is an opportunity to make good money. However, you should not expect profit from risky transactions and financial adventures; instead of benefits, they will only bring disappointment. The stars advise you to rely only on the money that comes through honest work.


Health issues will require more attention as the position of Saturn and Mars in the twelfth house of Aquarius means some risks. The influence of the planets can be expressed in the exacerbation of existing diseases or the emergence of new ones, as well as in a feeling of fatigue. This will be especially noticeable in the first ten days of April.

Gradually, your health will improve, and in the second half of the month you will feel a surge of strength. Wellness treatments and physical activity will bring many health benefits. Aesthetic experiences, music and art will help balance the flow of vital energy.

Learn something new, draw, make something with your own hands!