If you have been unlucky in trading all your life. Why am I always unlucky and how can I get my luck back? Rules for applying rituals to trade

Some people have good jobs but still struggle financially. We invite you to use three simple methods that will make you forget about material problems forever.

Many people fail to understand why money problems plague them, despite the fact that they try to improve their financial situation. There can be many reasons for lack of money, and it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Why do financial difficulties arise?

First you need to understand the reasons why you may have problems with finances.

Negative energy can block cash flows, which often results in financial difficulties. In this case, negativity pushes away the energy of money, and it is this that needs to be fought.

Money energy is very sensitive. She is able to react to the emotions and fears that a person will experience, and some of them may turn her off. For example, envy, laziness, and greed scare off monetary energy and attract additional problems. If you experience these feelings often, you need to work on yourself.

The reason for the outflow of finances is often uncontrolled expenses. Every person sometimes needs to give in to the desire to buy something, but in any case you need to take into account your financial capabilities.

Method one: cleanse the house of negativity

The first way to get rid of money problems is the simplest, since you only need to do some general cleaning and rearrangement of the house. As you already understand, negative energy is one of the main causes of financial difficulties. Regular cleaning will help get rid of it.

Start cleaning from the furthest room in your home so that negative energy can eventually leave your home. Don’t forget about hard-to-reach places, as most often people pay less attention to them, which is why much more negativity accumulates there than in other places. Clean dust from chandeliers, lamps, and small figurines. Finally, don’t forget to wash the eaves and thresholds, as they are a real magnet for negative energy.

If you want to get rid of negative energy forever, and with it money problems, then you will have to say goodbye to some things. First of all, this applies to items with which you have negative memories. Items that attract inexplicable hostility are also best thrown away immediately. Usually these feelings arise because your energy is trying to fight the negative energy of these things, so they have no place in your home.

With the help of cleaning, you will accelerate the flow of positive energy, which means that financial problems will be a thing of the past.

Method two: talisman for money

A money talisman is another effective way to get rid of money problems forever. We have previously talked about amulets that attract money, but it is best to use a charmed coin as such a money magnet.

Very often people use Chinese coins to attract money, but if you do not have the opportunity to purchase one, you can make a talisman from any coin. It is best to cast a spell on a coin during the Full Moon, since it is at this time that the effect of the spell will intensify due to lunar energy. Place the coin in water overnight so that moonlight falls on it. After this say:

“Let one coin attract a whole wealth.”

In the morning, take the coin out of the water and put it in your wallet, preferably in a separate pocket, so as not to accidentally spend or lose it. If the enchanted coin disappears, you can enchant another coin in the same way.

Method three: a simple money ritual

You can use a proven ritual that will help you get rid of financial problems and increase your income.

You will need:

  • new wallet;
  • patchouli oil;
  • bill.

Our ancestors also used patchouli oil to attract finance, as it has special energetic properties. Buy a new wallet in advance and, before you start using it, put a few drops of patchouli oil inside, and then put only one bill in it. It is prohibited to use the wallet during the day.

After this time, you can put the remaining money into your wallet. Periodically drip patchouli oil into your wallet so that the flow of monetary energy does not dry out, and then problems will always bypass you.

In addition to the above methods, you can attract financial prosperity into your life through powerful prayers. We wish you wealth and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Why do some people do well, while others try their best and all in vain? Why are things going wrong for these “others”? The companies they organize eventually cease to exist without bringing any profit. The commercial banks headed by them, after noisy collapses, are still paying off debts with their clients for a long time. The stores they open close after their short existence, never gaining the required minimum number of customers, despite all their efforts and tricks. After such fiascoes, some of these “others”, without hesitation, say - “Not fate!” or “Well, no luck!” - and they begin again their crazy run in a vicious circle, creating new fly-by-night companies, obviously losing banks and worthless stores. Another group of “others”, reflecting on the failure that has occurred, find the strength to admit to themselves that most likely they were doing NOT THEIR BUSINESS! It is quite natural that after such an answer to oneself, the next question arises - “What is my business?” This is the answer to this question, we will now try to find.

There has long been a hypothesis, which is recognized by many religious views, that our soul has immortality. Moreover, the soul of any person is directly related to the so-called “professional astral community.” In many esoteric directions, such an astral community is called “egregor”. In general, a simplified understanding of egregors assigns them the role of energy spaces (niches, reservoirs), which are formed due to the mental (energy) connection of identical mentalities of a certain group of people and these energy spaces are closed to a certain image. So, based on this definition of Egregors, it is clear that they are different and this diversity is determined by people who think about the same thing, do the same thing, and create the same things. Accordingly, as many professions exist, there are as many egregors. There are astral societies of bankers, merchants, traders, actors, teachers, in general, of any profession. There are religious egregors, egregors of politicians. But it is a big misconception that there is an egregor of money and an egregor of luck. Moreover, you can and should connect to these egregors. So, if your soul belongs to one professional egregor, and you, without realizing it, are doing a completely different thing, then you will never achieve success. By the way, this is precisely why those parents who try to “push” their child into some university, against the will of the child himself, are wrong.

If a person had to change professions, then for sure, at some new job there was a feeling of discomfort, awkwardness, it was difficult to fit into the team, everything seemed alien, it fell out of hand. Hence the expression “The soul does not lie.” And there are opposite situations - a person has just got a job in a new specialty, but everything is already working out and it’s as if everything and everyone has been familiar for a long time, and the employees are wonderful and the bosses are pleasant. There is also an expression about this: “I found myself.”

Choosing a profession is always an experience of a past life. But sometimes the well-being of an entrepreneur depends not only on himself. Let's look at one of the many examples of a family business. A husband and wife are doing the same thing, and everything is going great. Gradually, as often happens, the husband begins to feel “cool”, success makes his head spin, he becomes interested in a young beauty and leaves his wife. They divided the business. Very little time passes, and the husband’s affairs undergo a complete collapse. And his ex-wife is still doing well. A businessman once came to a reception with such a story. He was convinced that his ex-wife, wanting revenge, had sent some kind of damage, an evil eye, and the like to him. But the reason for the failure was completely different. It turned out that it was his wife’s soul that was connected to the required professional egregor; it was she who was minding her own business, and not a cool visitor. But since the business was joint, the husband was able to warm himself by someone else’s fire for several years. He, of course, was not satisfied with this explanation, but then, with my help, he joined the Egregor of Financiers and went into banking. Slowly, things did not improve right away. Today, the bank headed by him is in the forefront and, apparently, things are not going badly.

Many people will think that connecting to their professional community can only happen with someone's professional help, but this is not at all true. There are a lot of successful and successful businessmen in the world who never turned to anyone for help. It’s just not possible for everyone to find their way to themselves without resorting to outside help. Usually in such cases people look for those who could help them. Most often they turn to people in case of constant failures, fruitless efforts and endless disappointments.
For example, one person, who considers himself a marketing specialist, spent a long time and unsuccessfully seeking a very large loan for his new project. And I tried this and that - they refused everywhere. When he turned to me for help, I recommended taking out a loan not for a marketing project, but for some kind of publishing project. And he immediately caught fire with this new idea for him. And the project was soon found, and the loan was quickly received, and 12 medical volumes have already been published.

But there are times when a person minds his own business, but success does not come. About three years ago, one of the entrepreneurs who decided to start an advertising business came to a consultation with his problem. He organized an advertising agency, suffered for a whole year, everything went from bad to worse. On the one hand, everything seems to be clear - it’s something new! But from another point of view, in a year it was already possible to achieve at least some results. And the results are just zero. It was not immediately possible to understand this situation. But in the end it became clear that the entrepreneur did not follow the rules prescribed by the professional Egregor under whose patronage he was.
In any astral professional community there are certain rules for doing business. Good luck will follow only if these principles are strictly observed. And, although each profession has its own subtleties, in general terms several main rules can be identified.

“Share with your neighbor, whether he is rich or poor.”

“Be honest with partners” - Even if a person manages to get rich at the expense of other people, Egregor does not allow him to use ill-gotten wealth for a long time. It can even take away everything that a person has acquired, so that in the future it will be discouraging.

“Don’t forget about your loved ones” - For example, a person should not buy himself a new car if his child is deprived of the basic necessities. And so on.

And that loser we talked about above is already a major figure in the advertising business today.

We can take another situation as an example. Two heads of two laboratories in a large research institute, seemingly valuable specialists, good scientists. But the institute has no money, all research has been stopped. One boss quits. After his dismissal, he was forced to engage in trade and suddenly became rich. And the other one is still sitting at the institute, without money, without work. Everything is waiting for something. Which one is in the right place? Both. The first one finally went about his business. The second one is waiting in the wings. Egregor will one way or another support his protege, who remained in the position of head of the laboratory and from time to time will give him some extra money so that he can wait for better times. Because it is precisely such a person who can someday make a very important scientific discovery. In other words, this remaining boss is a representative of the Egregor of science. And as soon as he leaves his business, he goes downhill.

It is worth paying attention to the artistic egregor. As soon as an artist changes his profession, he can slowly but surely decline, become an alcoholic, etc. And only those who, despite any hardships in life, remain close to their Muse, are rewarded. A person should only be in his place.

Hello, friends!
Many of you run your own businesses. Many plan to do this, leave their current job, change their lives, but they doubt and are afraid. This is completely normal.

As always, today I will tell you a story from the life of my friend, and describe his astrological position.
About 18 years ago, a friend was working in a very difficult job. He was terribly bored spending time doing this activity while receiving $1000. In short, my friend was very tired of this job and dreamed of starting his own business.
In his chart, the business planet Mercury is in Gemini, conjunct Saturn, in the 8th house.
I told my friend that he could become a good businessman if he went into business related to the future, to the future. But since in his chart there are a lot of planets in the signs of the Earth, he couldn’t come up with anything better than buying a ready-made store from the bearded past and receiving about 19 kopecks a month from it. His Mercury was sandwiched by Saturn, the planet of the past, and this did not allow his friend to think differently.
Naturally, my friend went broke in this case.
He came to me with reproach, saying that either astrology doesn’t work, or you, Bert, don’t understand anything about it.
- But is this business? - I objected. - You actually bought a museum piece from ancient times, and wanted it to work in the 21st century!
That is, my friend followed the path of Saturn, the past.
Ultimately, the friend went broke and was very worried about it. At some point, even I had the thought that perhaps Saturn and the 8th house would never allow my friend into real business... But, the owner of the 8th house - in the 8th house and Mercury in Gemini quickly brought me back from these dark doubts.

About 5 years later, my friend finally founded his own business in another country, where if you were careless you could end up in the mouth of a hungry crocodile or fall into the clutches of an angry muskrat. And then he founded a business in another country. And in one more...

Now my friend earns very good money and feels fulfilled. He followed the path of Mercury: he is engaged in a business related to travel, traveling 200 - 300 km a day. And if previously Saturn kept him in one place, making him bored, now completely different times have come for his friend. Mercury still won.

Perhaps you started your own business, but it didn’t work out for you. Maybe you just don't know which way to go? In what area should you promote yourself?

My friend's first victory was Saturn, and he went bankrupt. But then reason, Mercury, won, and the man realized himself in a promising, modern business.

For those who are involved in astrology, this story will provide an opportunity to correctly guide people. For those who are trying to figure it out, this story is a good reason to take a closer look at your card.

Would you like to book a personal consultation? Write to Telegram:
Study Vedic astrology for free on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/vedicastrologerbertmakover
Bert Makover answers your questions on Telegram: https://t.me/vedicbertik

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Prayers for successful trading will bring good luck and protect you from envious people

Trading is a very risky undertaking, with its help you can not only get rich and thereby make a bunch of envious people, but also fly like a “traffic jam over Paris”, so it will be very difficult to get back up later, especially if you took out loans, mortgaged a house or car. What can I say, you can be left with nothing at all, and it may take years, or even decades, to rise again. Anyone who trades or traded especially in the 90s knows this well.

Just take any city here in Russia, you can just point your finger at the map, at random, and then see how many plants, factories, or other enterprises have been built in this city over the last 20-25 years for people to work and earn a living. And then it will immediately become clear that trade is one of the few ways to make a decent life for yourself and your family.

Spells and prayers for trading will definitely help you in your business, the main thing is to believe in yourself, your own strengths and practical magic.

How to attract luck in trading

If you are going to achieve certain heights in trading with the help of the forces of good, then you should visit the temple regularly, and not from time to time. Do this for three days in a row for at least 15 minutes a day, and always before noon. Stand a little in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, ask for his help and concentrate on your desire to increase your wealth through trade, but not for fun and self-indulgence, but for good deeds.

Then take a candle and place it with the words:

“Holy servant of God Nicholas, give me God’s servant “Stepan” good luck in trade and righteous deeds! Amen!"

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for trade, as well as any appeals to him, are very strong and have long gained people's love, popularity and faith.

You can attract success and luck in trading in another effective way. First, read the famous prayer three times “ Our Father", this is done at sunrise, and then the following plot is recited seven times on a trifle:

“Small coins will turn into large ones, and large coins will turn into large ones, turn today, turn tomorrow and for all times. As I said, so it will be! Amen! »

Give the charmed change to your clients as change. And before you go to work, throw the smallest coin you have over your threshold with your left hand and say:

I went to work alone, but I’ll return home with the money.”

Remember your attitude, which must be only positive. You must also be friendly, provide quality products and services, and believe that your product will suit your customers and they will like it.

How to ask God in your own words?

Pray, and talk to God not necessarily with texts written earlier by someone before you, even holy people. You can even turn to God in your own words, even if you don’t know a single prayer in the world, the main thing is that faith lives in your heart, and your desire is good. You can pray to God for successful trading in approximately this way:

“My Lord God, please help me, your servant “Anastasia” to start the day successfully and finish it successfully. Amen"

Before leaving home for work, say at your doorstep:

“My angel, always with me, you are ahead, I am behind”

If you are not satisfied with any prayer for good trading or you are afraid that you will be misled. You can simply read the “Our Father” prayer, this prayer is absolutely universal and for all occasions, you can ask for anything, within reasonable limits, from a pure heart and not for the sake of profit. But you need to pray regularly, at least once a day.

From the evil eye and envious people in trade

Very often it is envious people who interfere with trade, most often these are “colleagues”, acquaintances, neighbors or even friends or relatives. So that they don’t jinx you and scare away your luck in trading matters, and what’s worse, they don’t start casting spells on you, for example, throwing salt under the counter, cemetery soil, and so on. When you arrive at your workplace, take an ordinary nickel in your hand, cross yourself with it and say:

“Saint Peter carried a wallet with him, an evil serpent lay across him on his way. Only the one who counts the scales of this snake will interfere with my trade and bargaining. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen"

Keep the nickel as a talisman, hide it and don’t show it to anyone. Use it this way while you feel the danger. And when it passes, do not forget to at least from time to time carry out this conspiracy prayer for trade.

Read also: Things don’t always go well in trade, and goods don’t always sell well, but you can always improve your financial affairs, including with the help of magic, if you do it skillfully. The authorship of this ritual is attributed to the famous Siberian healer, I will not argue, but I can confirm that it really works. Early in the morning before the store opens or starts.

There is no point in doing business or trading if it does not bring you good profits. But in our times, we don’t really want to work for our state, well, it doesn’t like us ordinary citizens, and there’s nothing you can do about it. However, you can improve your affairs and attract financial flows to yourself, and this is best done by using practical magic.

If someone tells you that safe money spells really exist, on the one hand he will be right. So if you turn to some means of white magic, then regardless of whether you succeed in a conspiracy or not, in any case you will not get sick from it, die or become even more impoverished, or indeed have any significant negative consequences.

You can spend a lot of time and nerves on the process of selling an apartment (house). If, despite the fact that you have been trying to sell an apartment for quite a long time, the right buyer has not been found, and some of them only promise to buy, but the deal falls through every time, sometimes even at the very last and unexpected moment. Then you can use help.

A wallet can be not only a place to store your savings for current expenses, but also a talisman for money. If you speak to him correctly, which, strictly speaking, is not so difficult, then money will flock to him like bees to honey, which will undoubtedly increase your income and wealth. Remember, your wallet should never be empty, part of it is yours.


I have been studying magic for many years, and I see my meaning in life as helping people.

My main principles: Individual approach to each person and work for results.

The current conspiracy to trade: consequences and reviews

There are many tales circulating among people who are professionally involved in sales. Many of them concern the luck of a particular character. It is not explained only by talent and perseverance. The situation is often presented in such a way that the lucky person receives help from above. There are reasons for this. Especially when you try a trading conspiracy. The consequences of such an experiment can please or disappoint. The outcome depends on the right attitude and other factors. Interested? Then let's figure it out.

Does a merchant need magical support?

Somehow it is not customary to persuade people to take any action. We have freedom of choice, including the tools to “build” our well-being. Still, it is worth saying a few words on this topic. Many people wonder whether a trading conspiracy really helps. Are its consequences really that noticeable for your wallet (cash)? The buyer hardly observes this in real life. But those who are in business are constantly faced with uneven sales. There are special people. They are always lucky, the buyer is always “rushing”. Others have extremely successful periods. It seems that this is an accident. Actually, not really. There is a clear connection here with the aura. We just don’t see it, so the logic of events is not realized.

However, even without using spells and prayers for trading, a person can fall into a wave of good luck. This happens when he intuitively tunes into his heavenly patron. For example, lucky chances are often shown in the information field. Someone receives a bonus, another receives excess profit. For the most part, this happens to people who follow their calling. That is, heaven supports them, providing them with the opportunity to have all earthly blessings. Every person deserves this. But we create too many blocks for ourselves in our thoughts, so we don’t live, but vegetate.

How does a trading conspiracy help?

The consequences of any of our actions are primarily manifested in energy, the flows of which only the lazy today do not talk about. Money will only come to those who can accept it. This is also a common opinion. But it is nevertheless not without logic. Money only seems to us like pieces of paper with which we can buy things and develop a business. In fact, they are essentially guided by energy structures - egregors, generated by the thoughts of “big” humanity (already dead and living people). It is this “boss” that it is advisable to join. Make, so to speak, an egregor your friend.

Approximately in this direction, conspiracies and prayers for trade affect the seller’s field. They build bridges to the egregor of money and remove obstacles. In other words, they provide patronage to those who influence the flow of funds. Reviews from those who have actually used them are quite clear. They are acting!

Rules for applying rituals to trade

If a business person (of any level) takes on something, then he is not interested in the action itself, but in the result. Is not it? Magic should hardly be considered an exception. Therefore, preliminary preparation is necessary. After all, a person is interested in a conspiracy to trade, the consequences of which will certainly be positive. Since such actions have a very indirect relationship to the material sphere, where the result appears, the preparatory work should be carried out at the level of emotions and moods. People who practice these methods say that the emphasis should be on mood.


The easiest way is to imagine that you are a river. If the flow of money is not flowing in your direction, then there are obstacles. Maybe these are rapids, sometimes even the dams are dead. During the ritual you will begin to dismantle them. That is, when you begin a ritual that uses prayers and spells for good trading, you need to visualize the unhindered flows of money energy. They should strive in two directions: towards you and in the opposite direction. Otherwise nothing will work. It is impossible to attract without giving. Are you a serious person? How to develop without investing? And do not forget about faith in the effectiveness of the ritual and a good mood. This is the basis for achieving results.

To summarize: tune in to the fact that a cheerful and powerful river of money passes through you, filling you with an extraordinary feeling of satisfaction from work (reception, communication process, and so on).

How to stabilize trade

Business situations can develop differently. Naturally, it is necessary to select appropriate magical tools for them. By the way, there are enough of them. There are also universal methods. They attract good luck, remove traffic jams, and open up new opportunities. For example, try this strong conspiracy for trading. It is read during the waxing moon. You will need salt. The quantity is up to you. You can use a whole kilogram and then use it as needed. No, no one will forbid holding the ceremony in a month or two, when the time comes again.

Place the salt in the open air. Say the following words to her: “A dashing beggar, no trade, a loss-making misfortune, do not disturb me, the Lord’s servant (name). Run away, on land and water, may you have no shelter anywhere. Go beyond the distant seas, where the whole earth is burning in the fog. Don’t invite me with you, I won’t miss you when you’re away. So that I never wear rags, never be in trouble or suffer. Do not sell the product for nothing, but leave it with profit. I send away the lack of money, I lock the word with a key, sprinkle it with salt, block the roads. Amen!" Salt is sprinkled on the threshold of the premises where trade takes place (shop, office, apartment, etc.). This is not the only (strong) conspiracy to trade. It’s just that this ritual is to some extent universal. At least according to the reviews of those who dared to use it.

So as not to suffer from envious people

Most often, the most powerful conspiracies for trade also carry some protective

functions. If we return to the streams, they turn away those who pile stones into your river, thereby creating obstacles. This ritual, for example, is performed with hops. The only inconvenience is that it must be personally picked. The one sold at the pharmacy is not particularly effective. It is used only as a last resort. The following words should be spoken (on the waxing moon): “Fragrant and fluffy hops curl around the pillar. This is his fate. My lot is different. I'm attracted to her. Let the caravan of rich merchants wind around me and never cease. Amen!" Naturally, store hop cones in the place where you conduct transactions.

Coin spell

You need special "money". Her choice is important. The more exceptional the coin, the more effective it will be. For example, an ordinary ruble (five, ten) will become a good talisman. An anniversary coin will bring good luck. Gold (silver, historical) will act like a powerful magnet. If you are interested in foreign currency earnings, then take a foreign coin. In general, the idea is probably clear. At midnight they say this seven times about money: “I collect the light of the sun and send it into a coin. Let it spread rays and gather clients. My black melancholy, bottomless poverty, go away forever. There is a star in my hands of wealth! From now on, the chests are bursting with goods, troubles and suffering are not remembered! Amen!"

Ritual in a retail space

As a rule, people practice magic in secluded places. This is, of course, convenient. Not everyone has enough strength to influence large groups of people, so to speak, remotely. If you want conspiracies and rituals to have a more serious impact on trade, then carry them out right in the trading premises. This is how, for example, you can contact your personal heavenly assistant. Calculate the visual center of your retail space. Contact this point. The words are: “I appeal to the spirit of trade! I need help now! My luck lies on your trade roads! Bring me to her, marry me, bind the two of us! I will trade with luck. And you, spirit, undertake to lead customers to us! Amen!" You must pay for this conspiracy. Give money to a beggar or give a discount to a poor person. Just the same hour, don’t wait for a reason.

Conspiracy on goods

Sometimes it is necessary to apply magical influence to material objects. People often rush to conclusions. They think that the ritual will open golden streams from the sky right from the first minute. If they do not get such results, they become disappointed. They begin to look for a working conspiracy to trade, focusing on the last word. It is then recommended to gradually learn magic. Speak one item at a time from your product to convince your stubborn brain of the effectiveness of rituals. Here are the words: “The master's slave (name) strokes his goods (name) and makes the buyer get along with him. They will reach out in a line. They will look at you and praise you, increase the price, and take away from each other. You merchants, don’t fight, you will agree with my price. I'm petting - I'm petting. Amen!" Naturally, it is necessary to stroke the thing that is for sale with your left hand. Good luck!

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer for good trading every day

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

Everyone bought something for us at least once a day. This can be either a thing or a service. Everyone knows that trade helps progress progress. After all, it is demand that creates supply. But trade is not only a method of material enrichment, it is also an art. Indeed, in order to satisfy every buyer, a large number of sellers use various strong prayers for good trade.

How to attract good luck in trading matters

There are a large number of conspiracies, prayers, rituals that are aimed at:

  • Protection from competitors
  • For a good profit
  • A successful deal
  • Protection from the evil eye of income,
  • Sale of stale goods,
  • So that the buyer does not leave without purchasing.

There are times in life when people easily start their own business and things go smoothly and easily, but some people have a lot of problems and nothing goes well. Or it also happened when a fairly successful entrepreneur crashed due to some trifle. And no one could explain anything. How does this happen?

It happens that everything is connected with a person’s desire and attitude to start his own business. If a beginner has no desire to do anything special or he does it at someone else’s request, then such an event is unlikely to be successful. But what to do if a person has a desire and he tries with all his might, but nothing works?

Then you can use reading strong prayers. There are certain saints to whom you need to turn your prayers, but you must remember that no matter in front of which person the prayers are said, you must always:

  • Believe in what you ask for
  • Do not carry despondency in your midst,
  • Give alms to those who ask and help those in need,
  • Ask in prayers that your product will benefit the buyer and serve him for a long time,
  • After you receive grace from the Lord, be sure to thank him for it.

Prayers for good trading every day are considered to be common tools in order to get big profits from your business. They often say that they should not be uttered when arriving under the influence of alcohol, as well as to women during their menstrual periods.

If trading is your main income, then it is better to read different prayers for good trading, this can bring more benefits. In addition, it is advisable to read them from the new moon to the new moon. It is advisable to start reading with a weaker one, and then read a stronger one. They also say that if you use such prayers in your activities, then it is advisable not to tell anyone about it.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for good trading

Such prayer words must be read if there are problems in business. Often, higher powers are turned to for protection from impoverishment and ruin. Saint Nicholas has always been the patron saint of trade and the poor. It was to him that all the merchants, explorers and sailors built temples for this saint.

The main requirement for pronouncing these holy words is deep faith, as well as honesty in conducting business. The miracle worker will help only those who do their work with all dedication. A generous reward awaits only those who work honestly, read prayer from a pure heart and selflessly do their work.

With these words you should turn to the Wonderworker for help:

“Oh, our great mentor, Nikolai! You are kind and merciful, pious and generous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in your affairs. See my work and efforts, obedience and loyalty to the Lord God. Protect from hardships and falls, add intelligence and strength. Beg the Lord for mercy for us, may he protect us from the machinations of our enemies and guide us on the right path. May you protect us from temptations and dishonest acts. May he reward us for our suffering, for our zeal and submission. We trust in your intercession, we ask for help. We fall before your holy face with prayers. Cover us with your wing from adversity and misfortune, help us not to perish in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy.”

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for good trading

Nowadays, trade has developed quite widely. Now you can find both trade stalls, small shops and large hypermarkets. And many sellers, in order to increase their profits, turn to various saints with requests. Thus, Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of those who are engaged in the purchase and sale of various goods.

Some people who have a store would like to consecrate it, but do not know if it is right. So, in the church list of prohibited things, stores are not listed, which means the consecration ceremony can be performed there. Before reading the sacred words to Seraphim of Sarov, it is recommended to first go to the temple and put 3 candles near his face, and then read the prayer:

“O Most Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker!

O quick and obedient helper to all who come running to You!

In the days of Your earthly life, no one else

I am tired and inconsolable from You,

But all in sweetness was the vision of Your face

And the God-loving voice of your words.

Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight,

The gift of healing for weak souls is abundant in You.

When God called You from earthly labors

To heavenly peace,

Greater than your love, your fingers are from us,

And it is impossible to count Your miracles,

Multiplied like the stars of heaven:

Behold, throughout all the ends of our land

Appear to the people of God and grant them healing.

In the same way we cry out to Ti,

O most quiet and meek Servant of God,

Bold prayer book with him,

Nikolizhe, who calls you, reject him!

Offer up Your merciful prayer to the Lord of hosts for us,

May he grant us all the good things in this life

And everything is useful for spiritual salvation,

May he protect us from the falls of sins

And may he teach us true repentance,

In still unhindered penetration on

To the eternal Kingdom of Heaven,

The idea is that You are now in everlasting glory,

And sing there with all the saints

It doesn’t matter what words are spoken to which saint. The most important thing is the faith with which they will be pronounced!

May the Lord protect you!

From this video you will learn how to turn to John Sochavsky for help in trading matters.

My husband and I have been catastrophically unlucky for the last year. The things we started are not working out, the business is not going well, huge debts have appeared, no matter how hard we try, nothing works out, the further it goes, the worse it gets. My strength is running low and I'm starting to feel depressed. Help. What is the reason? Maybe damage? I'm afraid that the family will fall apart. I'm desperate.

Olga, let's deal with everything in order. Let's start by determining which of the things you listed was the cause and which the effect.

Have problems in business and work led to difficulties in family relationships? Or did family difficulties leave their mark on business and cause things to deteriorate?

The answers to these questions determine which side to start solving problems from.

Option one

Let's start with business. Sit down and write a list of possible reasons why your business has started to deteriorate. Increased competition? Falling demand? Change in the general state of the market? It’s difficult to guess anything more specific without knowing your field of activity.

Once you decide on the reasons, start looking for ways to eliminate them. Do this with your husband together; it is the struggle with difficulties that brings people very close. At the same time, leave your pessimism in the past, and push depression into the far corner. You are a born leader by nature; you can cope with all the obstacles that arise along the way. The main thing is to see these obstacles and have the determination to eliminate them. Strong self-confidence is also a great helper, so don’t forget to tell yourself, and better yet, your husband, the phrase: “We will succeed!” Thoughts and messages are material, don’t forget about it for a minute!

Option two

We forget about business for a short period of time and begin to establish family life. I think that this is more preferable than what is written above, because the family should come first.

You need to understand what caused the disagreements between you and your husband, and on what basis most conflicts occur. Do you assume that the cause was damage? Yes it is possible. There are a lot of envious and bad people, but you have your own business, a successful husband, as I understand it. That is, there are quite enough reasons for causing damage. You can do it yourself, and for the future. And besides, you can perform a ritual of attracting money, so that in the future not only your family life will go well, but your business will also flourish. This is clearly written about.

In addition to damage, a variety of factors could be the cause of family disagreements. Fatigue, nervousness, inability to speak out, both on your part and on his part, the feeling that you are not heard or understood. All this is completely solvable, the main thing is to be positive and not despair.

Talk, talk and talk some more to your husband. Do not hush up grievances and do not hide. Your husband is a flexible person and with the right approach you can discuss any problem with him and find a way out of any situation. Believe me, it’s hard for him too, but he’s a man, and therefore he’s prone to some sort of withdrawal into himself and a reluctance to make complaints about people. Therefore, patience, understanding and a great desire to improve relationships are the key to solving all your problems. And also love. Sincere, pure love. After all, those who love and trust can handle anything.

And meditate more. Separately and together. Or watch positive affirmation clips like this one: