Bean fortune telling for Christmas: how to use beans to tell fortunes about your family, work and life. Features and interpretation of fortune telling on beans or beans How to arrange the beans

Even in ancient times they knew how to tell fortunes using beans. Today we do this mainly with beans.

Options for fortune telling with beans

Option 1

Take 33 beans, no matter what color, and divide them into approximately three equal parts.

Now we lay each part in the form of a strip, placing one under the other. The longest line is the top one - expect luck in business, but not in love relationships. The line in the middle is the longest - this is precisely about luck in love. And if the bottom line is the longest, it means that luck will come to you later, and today is not your day.

Count how many beans are in each part; if you divide them equally, then you will have a white streak in your life. Feel free to start any business - everything will work out.

An odd number of grains in the middle line means your wedding is coming soon, and an even number indicates that the person you will soon meet will be very indecisive.

On the bottom line, an odd number of beans indicates danger from someone close to you, and an even number indicates that you will have some kind of unpleasant encounter on the trip.

Option 2

Use smooth, white beans so they don't have stains. Spread a napkin and, taking a handful of beans, scatter them over it. On the napkin you will get some image, according to which the process of fortune telling takes place. You need to use your imagination and, of course, have an understanding of the generally accepted method of deciphering symbols in fortune telling:

- if the picture resembles a cross, nothing good is in store;

- horseshoe - luck will smile on you, you will be happy;

- if in the form of a flower - you have to meet someone;

- in the form of a circle - good luck will accompany you in business;

- the drawing looks like a triangle - there will be problems in the family;

- illegible drawing - to trouble.

Option 3

This is, you can use beans or small pebbles for it.

Place a colorful ribbon in the middle of the table. What is on the left side of the tape is the present time, and what is on the right is what will happen.

For fortune telling you need 9 beans or pebbles. Throw them on the table. Everything will depend on the side on which the pebbles hit. A straight line of pebbles on the left means you’ll soon be on your way, on the right – there’s a road ahead, but in the future.

A curved line warns of problems at work and at home. If the pebbles formed a triangle - there could be treason, an asterisk - luck, success. If it turns out to be a rectangle, expect trouble, but if it turns out to be a circle, you will have the opportunity to choose.

In this article:

Fortune telling by beans is considered one of the oldest methods of fortune telling, which was very popular among our ancestors. And to this day, many experienced fortune tellers and esotericists claim that this method is one of the most effective and reliable.

Some sources say that fortune-telling began in this way only in the 17th century, however, even then there was an old proverb that says: “I will solve someone else’s misfortune with beans, but I will not apply my mind to my own misfortune.” According to philologists, this proverb refers specifically to the method of fortune telling, with the help of which you can really find out the future.

Fortune telling by beans - methods

There are many different fortune tellings that use peas or beans. We will consider only the most interesting, popular and reliable method, which has been popular for many centuries.

Fortune telling by 41 peas

For this prediction ritual you will need 41 beans (peas, beans, etc.). Place the cooked beans on a flat surface and divide them into three approximately equal parts. After this, with your left hand, begin to put the peas from the first pile to the side.

First, take 4 pieces, then 3, and then 2 and 1 pea, do this until there are only 4 beans left in the pile. The last pea should be the first in a new pile of the next row.

You will need to carry out the same procedure with the remaining two piles from the first row. The beans set aside should be added to the first, second and third piles. Then take one pea from each resulting pile; they should become the basis for the piles of the third row.

Now take a few beans from the second row (not counting) and move them to the third row. As a result, you should have nine piles - three for each row.
The last pea that you take in your hand, do not add to the pile, but put it aside separately; you will still really need it in the fortune telling process.

This method can suggest the right decisions in difficult situations.

Interpretation of fortune telling:
When all the heaps have been laid out, you can proceed to the interpretation of the entire ritual performed. For experienced fortune tellers, each pile has its own meaning.

  • The second one in the first row is the head.
  • The third in the first is the hand.
  • The second in the second is the heart.
  • The third in the third is the leg.
  • These four heaps have a special meaning and are considered the main ones; you need to pay special attention to this when asking the next question. For example, if you ask a question about love and relationships, then the answer to it will be hidden in your heart, that is, in the second pile in the second row.
  • The heart is not only love, but also other feelings experienced by every person, this is melancholy, sadness, grief, joy, all other emotions.
  • Head – questions concerning the mind, character and abilities of a person.
  • Hand - financial well-being.
  • Leg – movement and everything connected with it.

Only after this can you move on to the most interesting part - fortune telling.

Focus on the question you want answered. Close your eyes, get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and sensations, nothing should distract you at this moment.

Now open your eyes, say your question clearly out loud and immediately count the number of beans in the pile to which the question itself belongs. Usually, an even number initially carries an unfavorable connotation, so the answer to the question is no. An odd number of beans is a good omen, most likely the answer to your question is yes.

But the answer is not just the number of peas. The last word goes to the beans in the first row. First, look at the third pile - if there is an odd number there, then all is not lost for you. The first pile will indicate possible obstacles.

If the answer is no

If everything indicates that you will not be able to achieve what you want, do not rush to despair, remember what you did from the very beginning - you set aside the 41st bean that can be added to any of your piles. Thus, with the help of this fortune-telling, you got not just the opportunity to find out your own future, but also a chance to influence it, change your destiny for the better. Does this method work? It works, the main thing is that you must believe in its effectiveness, and everything will work out for you.

This is a general mandatory schematic layout of kumalaks.
Now let’s look at the step-by-step layout of kumalaks according to Figure No. 2.

Point A makes up a total pile of 41 pebbles. Then we divide pile A randomly into 3 smaller piles A1, A2, A3, from which we subtract 4 pebbles until each pile has 4 or fewer pebbles left. The remainder after dividing the piles A1, A2, A3 is put aside at points 1, 2, 3. drawing No. 2.
Next, we collect the remaining kumalaks into one pile B. The remainder of the pebbles in pile B should be 36 or 32 pebbles. And again we perform a similar operation. We arbitrarily divide pile B into 3 smaller piles B1, B2, B3, from which we also subtract 4 pebbles. We subtract until there are 4 or fewer stones left in piles B1, B2, B3. We put these leftovers at points 4, 5, 6. according to figure No. 2.
And again, we collect the unused kumalaks into one pile B, where the total number of pebbles should be 20, 24, 28, or 32 pieces. There should be no other numbers.
The total remainder of heap B is again arranged into 3 arbitrary small heaps B1, B2, B3.
Similar to the 2 previous steps, we put 4 pebbles aside from these piles. The remains from piles B1, B2, B3 after division according to Figure No. 2 are laid out at points 7, 8, 9.
Now we have a complete layout of kumalaks with points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
There should not be more than 4 stones at these points.
Next, consider drawing No. 3, with horizontal rows of the layout.

1st row – The top, horizontal row can have a total of only 5 or 9 kumalaks at points 1, 2, 3.
The upper, horizontal row means the mental level (consciousness) with the main point No. 2. This point is called the head or in Kazakh “BAS”, which also means mind, thoughts, logic, analysis, scholarship, speed, fun, abilities, character, mood.
Point No. 3 in the upper horizontal line is associated with the hand or translated from Kazakh as “COLA”. This point means wealth or poverty, housing, having something, fortune, property, the possibility of acquisition.
2nd row - Middle, horizontal can have a total of 4, 5, 6 points. Only 4, 8 or 12 kumalaks.
The middle, horizontal row is the astral (soul) level of the layout. Point number 5 means joy or sadness, feelings, emotional experiences, words, emotions, love. This point is called the heart, in Kazakh “ZHUREK”.
3rd row – The lower, horizontal row can have, like the 2nd row, a total of 4, 8 or 12 kumalaks at points 7, 8, 9.
The lower, horizontal row is the physical (movement) level of the alignment, with the main point No. 9. It is called in Kazakh “AYAK” or legs on a hike. This point denotes a road, a journey, a trip, an arrival, an action, a movement, a movement, a need, a parcel, a letter, a receipt of something or a message.
Next, let's look at figure No. 4, with vertical columns of the layout.

1st column – Left, vertical can have a total of 3 to 12 kumalaks inclusive at points 1, 4, 7.
The left, vertical column is the feminine principle. This is a desire or question from a fortuneteller.
2nd column - Middle, vertical also has a total of 3 to 12 kumalaks at points 2, 5, 8.
The middle, vertical column is a connection, a connection.
3rd column – Right, vertical is similar to the left and middle columns.
The right, vertical column is considered the masculine principle, the very fulfillment of a desire or the answer to a fortuneteller’s question.
When laying out kumalaks, special attention is paid to the evenness or oddness of the numbers appearing in each of the 9 (nine) points.
If an odd number of kumalaks appears, this is associated with a bright, masculine beginning. An odd number foretells all that is good and good, a pleasant sign and well-being itself.
The appearance of an even number at the point of the kumalak alignment will mark a dark, feminine principle, some kind of obstacle or failure to fulfill a desire, and an unfavorable outcome is possible.
Point No. 3 “HAND” in the context of a given question or desire does not depend on the evenness - oddness of the number of kumalaks drawn. Point No. 1 – the basis and essence of the question and fortune telling
If in the first, horizontal row, at points 1, 2, 3, 3 (three) kumalaks (3 – 3 – 3) fell, then it is believed that everything will end well, everything planned will come true and all wishes will be fulfilled. And on the one hand the sun helps this person during the day, and on the other hand at night the moon protects him. At the same time, the kumalaks are not laid out further and the Kazakhs call this layout “ALTYN KUMALAK”, i.e. "GOLDEN".
Sometimes in the top, horizontal row, the following alignment appears (1 – 3 – 1). It is believed that “PERISHTER” or “PERI” are sitting on the shoulders of this person - i.e. spirits or angels patronize him in all matters.
A good sign will be the coincidence of odd numbers in the first and third vertical columns, which means equality of desire and fulfillment.
The layout of kumalaks is the same everywhere, but each fortuneteller interprets it differently. There is no clear and uniform interpretation; it all depends on the magnitude and quality of the desire or the question asked.
Fortune telling on kumalaks requires the fortuneteller to have special knowledge, skills, the ability to correctly lay out kumalaks, correct interpretation, logical thinking and positive forecasting. Kumalaks demand respect and veneration.
Each layout is, first of all, a creative approach, an opportunity to eliminate a crisis situation, as well as providing positive information, a forecast, and charging with positive energy.
At the end of each layout, according to Figure No. 2, kumalaks remain in the G. pile, in an amount from 12 to 28 pebbles. From this pile G you need to separate 3 (three) stones. You will have 1, 2 or 3 kumalaks left, which also have their own decoding and interpretation.
See table.

1 stone means that your wish will definitely come true, or it is a positive answer to your question.
2 stones means a delay in time, but it all depends on your actions to achieve your goal or how much you want it.
3 stones - Your wish will soon come true, your issue will be resolved positively, you just need a little patience
In total, there are 3841 variants of the kumalak layout. At the end of this book you will find a generalized decoding of kumalaks for 3 horizontal rows separately. The most favorable options for the layout of kumalaks are given below.

Kumalak is the language of mathematics and geometry. Here, in the process of fortune telling, numbers and geometric shapes (rectangles and triangles) are used. 9 (nine) points of kumalak layout - there are ideal proportions of 8 (eight) triangles and a clear projection of 2 pyramids.

Points No. 1, 7, 9 of the triangle.
Your feelings, desire and intention to act must correspond to effective actions.

Triangle points No. 1, 7, 3.
Your feelings, desires and intention to act must lead to the desired outcome.

Triangle points No. 7, 9, 3.
Your desire to act and the action itself will lead to effective results.

Triangle points No. 1, 9, 3.
Your feelings, desire and action itself lead to certain results
. Triangle points No. 1, 5, 7.
Your feelings and desires must correspond to your intentions to act, i.e. Do you really want it or not.

Triangle points No. 7, 5, 9.
The intention to act in accordance with the desire must lead to certain movements.

Triangle points No. 9, 5, 3.
Your actions and results must match each other. Don't stand still - take action.

Triangle points No. 1, 5, 3.
Your feelings, desire can quickly come true, or this is a quick answer to your question.
When considering any of the many layout options, as well as all triangles, you need to pay special attention to the evenness or oddness of the numbers dropped at each point of the pattern.
Point No. 5 is the only starting point of fortune telling associated with the state of mind of the fortuneteller, with his anxieties and concerns. The same point No. 5 is the central, peak point for 2 pyramids.

Points No. 1, 3, 9, 7, 5.
This is the first and main pyramid of the layout. Such an envelope speaks of the integrity and unity of all geometric shapes.

Points No. 2, 4, 8, 6, 5.
This is the second, internal pyramid, where points No. 2, 5, 8 form a connection, a connection between the desire, the question asked and the fulfillment, as well as the answer to the question.

Fortune telling is a forecast for the future.
Kumalak is the only fortune-telling in the world on a mathematical basis, where a certain number 41 and a clear layout plan are used.
Kumalaks use the principles of even and odd numbers, as well as binary, bi-binary, tertiary and 9 (nine) digit digital systems. Pythagoras also said, “The elements of numbers are the elements of everything that exists and that the whole sky is harmony and number.”
Fortune telling on kumalaks is a prediction based on mathematical modeling, and the natural numbers 1 and 2 are taken as a basis, as in the simplest calculator, where a specific algorithm is assigned to each button. That is, there is a binary number system here when adding numbers 1 + 1; 1+2
2 + 2 implies 2 (two) more rational numbers 3 and 4. The use of numbers 3 and 4 relates to bi-binary mathematical calculus. In kumalaks, binary and bi-binary systems are used in each horizontal and vertical line.
The layout of kumalaks into 9 (nine) points makes up the tertiary and 9-digit systems.
Therefore, when considering the number of pebbles or the number at each point, you need to see the whole picture of the layout, like the total numerical value on the calculator display.
In kumalaks, the number has a predetermined meaning.
In general, with this layout pattern in kumalaks, there is a constant use of mathematical systems and geometric figures.
Using only numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. speaks of the constancy of the interpretation of the forecast, but at the same time, due to the multiplicity of layout options, there are no fundamental restrictions on deciphering the entire pattern. Here it would be appropriate to compare with the use of only 7 (seven) notes in music, where as a result we get a myriad of musical works.
This in itself begs the question of how in ancient times they knew that it was necessary to use exactly 41 (forty-one) kumalaks, no more and no less. How they were able to translate their knowledge into the language of numbers and geometric shapes, while fitting everything into one single layout template.
Currently, this is comparable to the use of digital technology and computer modeling. The operating principle of digital technology is the transfer of information into digital form. Therefore, in the process of transmitting information of interest through astral and mental communication channels, numbers can be accurately transmitted, received and put together into a complete picture or image
Geometrically, certain figures can be traced in the kumalaks, and the projection of the pyramid in the plane of the template is clearly visible.
The next question arises: where and how did the pyramids and kumalaks appear? What connection exists between them? And what is characteristic is that the geometric intuition of the ancients was not associated with mathematical education.
At birth, each of us initially has a certain basis for knowledge of the world. Being born with this, WE strive for further knowledge of everything that surrounds us. We are looking for our place in life, a place in the sun, while subconsciously moving towards a certain peak - the point of perfection of the universe. Some strive, some are tired, some do not want to move forward
But, if YOU have reached this point, this is the key to the door that opens for us the path to all points of the base of the “reverse pyramid” - endless perfection.
No damage, evil eye, illness, bad luck, collapse, failure will touch YOU if YOU do not live with these feelings. YOU are not who YOU ​​really are, leave it in the past. YOU are spiritual, YOU are a source of energy, YOU are something aware of itself. This is true!
Start your morning with the words “Good morning EVERYONE!!! Give thanks for the coming day. May the sun always warm YOU during the day, and may the moon protect YOU at night.
Gratitude attracts gratitude!

As I told you above that there are 3 types of fortune telling, we already know how to do one. In the other two fortune-telling, the total pile of kumalaks (41 pieces) is randomly divided into 2 piles. Then, from one of the piles, according to your wishes or feelings, you adjust 3 pebbles in the second fortune-telling or 4 pebbles in the third fortune-telling. In the second fortune telling you will have 1, 2 or 3 stones left. And the decoding will be carried out according to the table of the remains of the first main fortune-telling.
During the third fortune telling you will have 1, 2, 3 or 4 stones left. Here, too, the decoding follows the table of the remainders of the first main layout. If 4 stones fall out, it means some kind of time delay or postponement of execution.
Further, as mentioned earlier, a generalized transcript or part of the interpretation will be given for each horizontal row separately. At the end of the layout of the kumalaks at 9 (nine) points, you will need to find the desired version of each horizontal row.
The subsequent book will describe each variant of the kumalak layout out of 3841 variants.
1 -1 -3 A specific attitude with a clear and clear mind will lead you to great love and wealth.
1 - 3 -1 The goal and desires are clear as day, you don’t need to rush around in your thoughts so much, because love and prosperity, the opportunity to acquire or receive something await you.
3 – 1 – 1 Focus on one thing, choose the most important thing, the more you know what needs to be done. Ahead of you is execution and a clear answer to the question. Love is just around the corner. There is always plenty.
2 – 1 – 2 Moderation and decency in any matter, the goal is indicated. There will be abundance, it just takes time. Love will come on its own.
2 - 2 – 1 Order in the order of thoughts that arise and in their implementation is the key to success. You will be loved.
1 – 2 – 2 You know what you want. Decide as you go and everything will come true soon. Time and love always go hand in hand.
2 – 3 – 4 Try to concentrate, do not distort your thoughts. You need time and patience. Love is not the main thing.
2 – 4 – 3 Your wishes will definitely come true, drive away bad thoughts, don’t rush around. Everything will be fine.

4 – 2 – 3 Your desires are confused, you want a lot and understand it perfectly. Make up your mind and luck and love await you.
4 – 3 – 2 Of all the variety of desires, you know what exactly you want. Everything will come very soon, don’t rush things.
3 – 3 – 3 You don’t have to expand further, everything is fine with you.
3 – 2 – 4 Put all desires and questions in queue. You have time to think. Be patient.
3 – 4 – 2 As soon as you clearly decide what to do, an understanding will come to you - soon everything will work out.
1 – 4 – 4 You have a specific goal and question. This is good. If you decide how it will be implemented, then time will not matter to you. Prosperity awaits you.
4 – 1 – 4 You know perfectly well what to do. Don’t rush around choosing a question and desire. You will be in abundance and love.
4 – 4 – 1 Your uncertainty in choosing a desire prevents you from concentrating. As soon as you say, I know the way out, it means you are lucky in everything. There is only one love.

1 – 1 – 2 Great feelings, my heart is light. Smile more often.
1 – 2 – 1 It’s trembling in your soul, but the feeling of lightness will not leave you.
2 – 1 – 1 A little anxiety in the soul will be replaced by joy.
2 – 2 – 4 Don’t give in to sadness and doubt. More positive.
2 – 4 – 2 You are experiencing a strong emotion, try to distract yourself, think about pleasant things.
4 – 2 – 2 Your unpleasant feelings and discomfort will gradually subside. Don't be lazy.
2 – 3 – 3 The trepidation in your soul will be replaced by pleasant and exciting sensations. You will be happy.
3 – 2 – 3 Everything will be fine with you. Away from doubts in the soul.
3 – 3 – 2 Don’t think about future feelings and experiences. Everything is going well.
3 – 1 – 4 The heart is easy, experiences are possible, but this is not permanent.
3 – 4 – 1 No need to worry so much. There is joy ahead of you.
4 – 3 – 1 You shouldn’t have worried so much, it’s pleasant and joyful to be with you.
4 – 1 – 3 All experiences will remain in the past. Joy in the heart, everything is fine.
1 – 3 – 4 Strong feeling, joyful heartbeat, now it’s better to rest.
1 – 4 – 3 Don’t even worry. This is the middle of your feelings, everything good is not far away. Think about pleasant things.
4 – 4 – 4 Large conversation, do not enter into negotiations, avoid communication, crowds of people, do not speak harshly.

1 – 1 – 2 The day will start successfully, nothing bothers you, relax in the evening.
1 – 2 – 1 Not immediately, but there will be trips or meetings. Possible news, parcels.
2 – 1 – 1 Everything will be in motion. A road or news awaits you.
2 – 2 – 4 Perhaps you shouldn’t get ready for the trip. Do something else.
2 – 4 – 2 Something is holding you back. Don't rush things.
4 – 2 – 2 There is a delay from the very beginning, but think positive.
2 – 3 – 3 Good days are coming, everything will be in motion. Travel possible.
3 – 2 – 3 There is movement around you, good news, but not right away.
3 – 3 – 2 Trips, meetings, it’s better to rest a little.
3 – 1 – 4 Don’t rush, postpone the trip. Leave it for tomorrow and everything will certainly work out.
3 – 4 – 1 There is a small obstacle, but the trip and rest will definitely take place. They will lead you, wait.
4 – 3 – 1 Delay at the beginning, do not refuse meetings or trips. Good news for you.
4 – 1 – 3 If there was a delay, now everything is in motion, act. Good news.
1 – 3 – 4 Everything is going well, but it’s better to rest. Postpone travel.
1 – 4 – 3 If you want to act, act! Expect good things to happen.
4 – 4 – 4 Unwanted meeting. If you are going on the road, you shouldn’t go, you need to wait a little.

C/u Kurmangaliev B.S. Kostanay. cell phone 8 702 856 40 68.

There are a huge number of methods of fortune telling in the world. The simplest and most accessible of them is fortune telling by beans. It originated in Asian countries and became most widespread there. If this is your first experience in fortune telling, then beans are perfect for you. Fortune telling does not require a lot of time, preparation or money. With this method of fortune telling, the result obtained is usually reliable and accurate.

He closer to Russians, since it uses beans, and not ancient inscriptions, runes or Tarot cards. This method of fortune telling was used by the wise men, predicting success or failure in battles for princes. The process of fortune telling requires you to take the process seriously and maintain the spirit of the sacrament. By meeting these requirements, you will get the most accurate and truthful result. But based on this method, you will easily master the basic methods and understand the principles that are identical for almost all fortune telling.

Preparing for the ritual

For fortune telling you will need 41 beans. If you don’t have beans, then simple beans or pebbles can easily replace them. However, do not forget that the beans must be two or more colors. Based on their traditions, people of different ages use different colored beans. For example, young people use absolutely white beans, middle-aged people use everything except white ones. People who have decided on their path in life (married people) also do not use white beans. Finally, older people should use black beans for fortune telling.

Stages of fortune telling kumalak ashu

To start the ritual take 41 beans.

The meaning of heaps

After the manipulations We have three lines of three piles in each.

  1. “Head” is the middle group in the first line. Responsible for the thoughts and feelings of the person you have chosen.
  2. “Heart” is the middle pile in the second line. It will tell you whether the hidden person will be happy or vice versa.
  3. “Hand” is the right heap in the first line. It symbolizes property and can predict poverty or wealth.
  4. “Leg” is the right pile in the third line. She will talk about receiving gifts or news, and will also indicate a journey or road.

These piles are the most significant, so when doing fortune telling, you should choose one of them depending on the question that interests you.

Methods of interpretation

The interpretation begins by looking at the four main piles. If they contain the same number of beans or beans, then something or someone is preventing the desired from being achieved. If their number in the main piles is not the same, then the fortuneteller should expect happiness.

After a superficial interpretation, the analysis can be carried out in more detail and detail. First of all, you should pay attention to the pile you previously selected. If there is an odd number of beans in it, then, most likely, your wish will come true; if it is an even number, you should not hope in vain. An odd number of beans for all the main piles will give you a lucky outcome. The exception is the "hand" pile. The more beans it contains, the richer the person will be.

Further interpretation is carried out on the basis of what was hidden. For example, if you want to find out how this or that person treats you, then choose the “head” group. An even number of beans in it will mean that the person you are thinking about does not think about you at all. Also pay attention to adjacent piles. If the first of them has an odd number, then the person is not indifferent to you, if there is an even number, then he is indifferent to you.

Remember not to ask the same question more than once.

Any fortune telling is a ritual, so it requires maximum concentration and seriousness. There is no need to guess if a whole crowd has gathered around you. This will disrupt the process itself and spoil the atmosphere necessary for fortune telling. Perform this ritual alone or with the person you are telling fortunes to.

There is no need to do multiple fortune-telling. Choose one of them, but carry out the ritual correctly and seriously. This will help achieve the most accurate results. Prepare in advance the questions you want answered.

Never treat the results of fortune telling as a verdict. You and only you are responsible for your destiny, and fortune telling will help you listen to the signs of fate and take them into account when choosing the right decision.

Who among us does not dream of happiness? And although this concept is subjective, there are several topics that most people strive for. Of course, this means love and family, the life and health of children, a good job, career growth and financial stability.

Someone has succeeded in one field or another and is happy in the present. But there are also those who adjust the result in various ways and are in a hurry to find out it. Fortune telling using beans is considered one of the most reliable. Beans have been used for these purposes since time immemorial. By the way, in many countries they were treated as something magical: fairy tales, sayings, and legends were told about them.

In this article:

Fortune telling methods

In Rus', later in Russia, such fortune telling, which at one time was adopted from other peoples, enjoyed success. Many people did this, regardless of age and class. But in almost every locality there lived a hereditary professional fortune teller who dealt with this issue more seriously. They used beans to tell fortunes day and night, on the full moon and on the waxing moon.

The fruits represent the body or the destiny of a person; the interpretation was passed on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. It was believed that beans or peas showed the condition of each part of the body separately; special attention was paid to the head. You can also find out about your state of mind and destiny.

Most often, white and red beans are used for fortune telling. They are mainly laid out into 41 beans, there are options using 37, 38 or 31, you can also take your number of years as a basis. Before the ritual, you should leave all bad thoughts, ask for forgiveness in your soul from those whom you may have offended, and get down to business without unnecessary emotions. The grains are laid out in slides or rows, each of which is responsible for some part of the body, for predicting something, and then interpreted.

How to learn to tell fortunes with beans?

Simple manipulations do not require specific abilities. Training can take place independently and completely free of charge, the main thing is desire. If they are absent, you can perform a magical action on the stones. For lighter options, you can use beans or peas.

Question answer

You will need 38 beans. Divide them into four piles (according to the time of year): two of 10 pieces, two of 9. Mix the piles so that you don’t know how many grains are where. This can be done using 4 glasses (place the glasses on them and move). When you have finished, mentally select a pile for yourself and focus on the question. An even number will mean denial and not a very good outcome. An odd number is a positive answer to the question and a good outcome. After each time, shuffle them using glasses. For the same purposes, you can use a rotating circle (menagen).

Fortune telling by name

You will need mixed beans. White, brown, with spots. At home, write your last name, first name and patronymic on paper. For each consonant, place the beans in the left pile. For each vowel, put them on the right. In other words: on the left side there will be as many grains as there are consonants in words, and on the right side as many vowels. Now write succinctly on paper what you want to ask about and repeat the letter-by-letter action. From the remaining fruits, count the number of consonants in the question and place them on the left, and place the vowels on the right. Organize a square from the resulting 4 piles.

  1. The upper left corner is the probability of a positive or negative action, the outcome of your question.
  2. The upper right corner will tell you whether it is worth starting what you have planned.
  3. The lower left corner will tell you about the consequences.
  4. The lower right corner will indicate the near future.

The interpretation was described above: an odd number promises good things in all endeavors, an even number promises nothing good. Light grains are hope, dark grains are its absence. Smooth, healthy, “crowded” means illness. In order not to specifically select the best seeds, you can use help and blindfold yourself, the probability will be higher.

Experts believe that deeper studies of fate through magic, for example, which include Kulymak Ashu, should be carried out by specially trained people.

Fortune telling Kulymak Ashu 41 beans

This is a famous fortune telling on beans and stones, borrowed from the Turkic peoples. Currently, people from different countries use it. An ancient layout that resolves issues from their first appearance. The history of fortune telling goes back to the times of the Mongol-Tatar conquests and describes only the use of beans or stones.

Meanings and Interpretations

The ritual begins with a common mound of 41 beans. Then, in order, divide them randomly into three piles, let’s call them ABC. Then 4 beans should be taken from each in several passes until there are 4 or less than 4 left in mounds A, B and C. We lay out this remainder along three points in the first row (1,2,3). The taken beans will need to be collected together, also divided randomly into three piles. Again we subtract 4 from each, so many times that again there are 4 or less than 4 left. We also lay it out in the second row (points 4,5,6). We repeat the manipulation a third time and arrange it in the third row (points 7,8,9). We remove the excess.

We should get nine dots, in three rows horizontally and vertically. Perhaps some point will be without beans, somewhere there will be 1, somewhere 2, 3 or 4. But the drawing must be preserved, exactly in three rows up and down, even with empty windows.

  • First row (top).

Responsible for the level of consciousness. The central point will be the 2nd point, which is the mind: the ability to analyze, the ability to learn, reaction, agility, mood swings and character traits. This is the head, it tends to have various abilities. The 3rd are hands, they can be rich or poor, have their own property or not. The sum of the points should not exceed the number 8.

  • Second row (middle).

The central 5th point is called the heart and refers to the state of the soul. She is responsible for all sorrows, joys and experiences, including love and various emotions. The 3rd and 4th points are health and illness. The sum of all is not more than 12.

  • Third row (bottom).

It is a human movement, also called legs. The main point will be the 9th, it speaks of travel, traveling, moving, as well as receiving news in any form. The amount should not exceed 12. The 7th and 8th points will indicate your personal well-being.

Kulymak Asha is also considered from the position of vertical rows:

  • The left column (no more than 12) is the feminine principle, and therefore the desired question itself.
  • The middle one (the maximum amount is the same) is the connecting link.
  • The right one (the conditions are the same) is the masculine principle and the answer to the question posed.

As written above, an odd number promises the best and represents light and masculinity. While an even number will be dark, feminine. It predicts problems, interference, and not being immune from a bad outcome.

This truthful fortune telling can be interpreted endlessly; there are not many variants of numbers, but their meaning is very interesting. The main thing is correct calculation. The amount will show you the past, future and present, tell you about your desires and thoughts.

For example, the case when three threes appear in the horizontal top row will guarantee the fulfillment of desires and absolute success in business. And the same even results, on the contrary, do not promise anything good. Reviews about this fortune telling are the most favorable, because it reflects all aspects of a person’s life.

Astrological fortune telling for the future

Fortune telling by date of birth, where astrology is combined with fortune telling, is very successful.

You will need:

  • White beans.
  • Sheet of papers.
  • Pencil.

Lay out the number series for your birthday, for example -11/28/1999.

2+8+2+8+1+1+1+9+9+9 =57

Take the resulting amount and put it together. Next, we select beans in quantities corresponding to the birth numbers.

  1. Remove the amount of the first digit in the date of birth - 2 beans in a pile under No. 1.
  2. 8 beans in mound number 2.
  3. 1-in under No. 3.
  4. 1-in under No. 4, etc.

Repeat the procedure until you have 8 pieces.

Draw a circle on paper and divide it into 8 parts (infinity symbol), describing the meaning of each. Arrange the rest in order from the first to the last pile on paper.

  1. Love (family, children).
  2. Wealth.
  3. Loyalty (betrayal, betrayal).
  4. Friends.
  5. Traveling to other countries.
  6. Moving around the country.
  7. Diseases.
  8. Good health.

Place each mound on its number 1 for love, 2 for wealth, etc. Let's look at the result: an even number at any value will tell you that this year you should not count on this or that. Odd, on the contrary, will tell about good things, about hope and dreams that can come true.

Prediction on cards and beans

Take a full deck of cards and shuffle it well. You need to lay out three rows of cards at random, face down.

The first row in quantity will be the number of the day of the week on which fortune telling occurs. (Monday draw one card, Tuesday two, etc.).

Second row: the quantity will be according to the month (January 1 card, February 2, etc.).

Third row: add up the numbers of the year, for example, 2016=2+0+1+6 = 9.

Then remove half from each row without looking (without measuring accurately). What is removed will be the past, what remains will be the future.


6 – road (dark, with obstacles, red - successful). This could also be a career, depending on your current situation.

7 – meeting (black – business lunch, meeting, serious or unpleasant, red – date).

8 – success (black – financial plan, red – love).

9 – family (black – infidelity, dislike, red – vice versa).

10 – new horizons (black in career, work, red in novels, in travel).

B. Problems, troubles (black - vanity, emptiness, red - interesting adventure, training camp).

D. You, if you are a girl. Half if you are a guy. Your wishes.

K: You, if you are a guy. Half if you are a girl. Your wishes.

Ace. – Your housing (black – social, small, red – your own, spacious).

Next, take 41 beans and place them one at a time on the cards, so to speak, “in a circle,” until they run out. An even number on a particular card will tell you that there will be problems and troubles. The odd number will let you know what you can do best. First, see what you had. Then look into the future.

Video instruction

It’s good when recommendations are accompanied by a video story, then everything becomes clear and simple. But step-by-step instructions and pictures will also make your task easier. No less important will be the meaning of the numbers and their interpretation. Therefore, you need to monitor and understand the situation completely.